Peace, shanti and other such
Most problems are solved when you learn to be at peace with your situation. Times change, that is the only law of nature... what goes around the wheel of time comes back like outdated fashion. If its not your time today, be patient and your time will arrive.
To run ones life, one has to be at peace with people who do things for their own profit, others who work for your profit and still others who you can make a profit off. It is only this network of peace which will see you sail through on its crest. Time and space are the biggest conspirators. A man reaps profits when he has both time and space on his side.
The people who have risen to the greatest heights are the ones who have built a strong foundation on the dense soil of time well utilised. When peace prevails the mind expands in time or shall we say that time expands in the mind.
There was once a guy who could read an entire page of text in 8 secs flat. He had a photographic memory. But the only problem was he could never make sense of what he read. Since the mind was free from the process of understanding what he read as he read it, he could do this. On similar lines, one could also say that if one frees his mind from needless worries, he can concentrate his energies on things that matter.
Keep peace and the faith. May the energy to do things be with you.
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